About ENC

Explore North Coast (ENC) is an association of paddlers that hosts regular paddling events, promotes paddling safety and education, and encourages stewardship of, and improvements to, bay and coastal access on the North Coast.

The club was founded in 2002 by John Ash and in 2005 was incorporated as a non-profit. ENC is an American Canoe Association (ACA) Paddle America Club and also a §501(c)(3) non-profit organization to which donations are tax deductible.

Explore North Coast has a volunteer Board of Directors, who serve for two-year terms. The Board members elect Board officers annually and meet every two to three months or as often as needed. ENC Board meeting agendas, minutes and other club documents will be posted as they become available. Click here to view the current board members. Click here to email the Board.

Check out our local paddling guide, Sea Kayaking the Redwood Coast, our photo gallery of past ENC events. We also have small drybags with our logo available. You can also subscribe to ENC’s newsletter. Please read the usual disclaimers below.

The Usual Disclaimers

Explore North Coast is a volunteer kayaking club. We are not an outfitter, a school or any other professional or commercial enterprise. Our activities are organized, led and taught by volunteers. While we have members who have many years of experience and who are very skilled, their willingness to share their skill is non-professional and entirely voluntary.

Kayaking is an inherently dangerous activity. Injury and even death are possible. You, and you alone, are responsible for your own safety, for knowing your own skills and limitations and for appraising the conditions present and forecasted for any paddling event. We do not share that responsibility with you. While we attempt to operate as safely as possible, it is not possible to eliminate the risk inherent in kayaking. Use your own judgment and never follow anyone into a situation you are unsure about.

Different paddles may require different equipment. Every participant is required to wear a securely fastened life jackets also known as a PFD (Personal Flotation Devices) on each paddle, regardless of conditions. There are no exceptions.

The trip host is not a guide. They are no more responsible for your safety than anyone else in the group. They have no duty to evaluate your skills for a trip. That is your responsibility. They may, however, not allow anyone to participate that they feel is unprepared for the trip or the conditions. Remember, however, that conditions can change quickly and you alone are responsible for your safety.